Supporting Orphans and Widows through Health and Awareness (SOWHA) is one of the health projects funded by IR- Canada and implemented by IR- Afghanistan in 4 i.e. Balkh, Kabul, Bamyan and Nangarhar provinces. The project corresponds to the health needs of some 20,000 orphans, their siblings under 18 and widows in an integrated way where all health services are provided to the beneficiaries at their door step through mobile clinics, enabling the orphans to continue their educations. Complicated cases are referred to standard contracted hospitals. The Social Mobilizers in the project works to increase awareness of 71,000 individuals about prevention of communicable diseases, child rights and GBV topics. Beneficiaries with stress, depression and anxiety are provided socio-psychological counselling by the project health counsellors changing their lives for better and empowering them to contribute positively to the community.